J>Suit of Joker.XG+12(HTBS opt GG)Hp16%
J>Suit of Joker.XG+12(HTBS opt GG)Hp12%
J>Suit of Joker.XG+12(HTBS opt GG)Hp11%
J>Suit of Joker.XG+12(HTBS opt GG)Hp9%
J>Suit of Joker.XG+12(HTBS opt GG)Hp5%
J>Suit of Joker.XG+11(HTBS opt GG)Hp20%
J>Suit of Joker.XG+11(HTBS opt GG)Hp11%
J>Suit of Joker.XG+10(HTBS opt GG)
J>Suit of Joker.XG+9(HTBS ber opt)
J>Suit of Joker.XG+0 (HTBS unident)
J>Suit of Flash.XG+12(HTBS opt Deff)
J>Suit of Flash.X+12 (HTBS opt Hp20%)
J>Suit of Flash.X+12 (HTBS opt Hp16%)
J>Suit of Flash.XG+12(HTB).(S).XG+11(opt Deff)
J>Suit of Flash.XG+0(HTBS)
J>Martyr set.XG+12 (HTBS)
J>Garmen of Fierce.XG+12,Sword Fierce.XG+12(all.opt mentok)
J>Garmen of Fierce.XG+9
J>Sunburn Suit.XG+12(HTBS+Staff)
J>Sunburn Suit.XG+11(HTBS)
J>Ignition Clothes.XG+11(HTBS+Hammer)
J>Robe of Conan.XG+11(TBS)
J>Apocalipsse(HTBS).XG+12(opt GG)
J>Apocalipsse(HTBS).XG+11(opt GG)
J>Apocalipsse(HTS).XG+12(B).XG+11(opt GG)
J>Daylight(HTBS).XG+12) (opt GG)
J>Daylight (HTBS).XG+11,ESS.XG+10(opt GG)
J>Holy Saint(HTBS).XG+10(opt buruk)
J>Redemtion set.XG+12(HTBS)
J>Suit of Luck.XG+12(HTBS)Hp7%
J>Suit of Luck.XG+12(HTBS) opt Aspd
J>Suit of Luck.XG+11(HTBS)total Hp14%
J>Suit of Luck.XG+11(HTBS)
J>Suit of Luck.XG+1 (HTBS)
J>Suit of Luck.XG+9(HTBS)
J>Gold Saint.XG+12(HTBS,Shield&Sword)
J>Gold Saint.XG+11(HTBS,Shield&Sword)
J>Gold Saint.XG+10(HTBS,Shield & Sword)
J>Red Shadow.XG+12 (HTBS)
J>Red Shadow.XG (HnS.XG+12)(TnB.XG+10)
J>Blaze Suit.XG+12(HTBS)
J>Suit of Blaze.XG+11(HTBS+Staff)
J>Underwater set.XG+12
J>Underwater Set.XG+10
J>Underwater Set.XG+9 unident
J>Georgeus set.XG+12(HTBS)
J>Georgeus set.XG+11(HTBS)
J>Gerogeus setXG+10(HTBS)
J>Abysmall set.XG+12(HTBS,Sword+Shield)
J>Ice Armor.XG+12(TBS)
J>Quicknness Suit.XG+12(HTBS)
=================W E A P O N=====================
- Dual Catas.(L)n(R).XG+12 opt (Mentok)
- Mega Dagger.XG+12 opt (Mentok)
- Fierce of Sword.XG+12 opt (Mentok)
- Priest Fire Ball.XG+12 unident
- Warior Fire Ball.XG+12 unident
- Joker Dagger.XG+12 Unident
- Oceanic Staff.XG+11 Matk20 atk10
- Oceanic Staff.XG+10 Matk20 atk10
- Oceanic Staff.XG+9 Matk20 atk10
- Sunburn Staff.XG+11 Matk20
- Acient Great Sword.XG+12
- Acient Great Sword.XG+10
- Giga Dagger.XG+12 Matk25 Atk5
- Giga Dagger.XG+12 Matk25
- Giga Dagger.[A].XG+12 Atk15 acc4 aspd2
- Giga Dagger.[A].XG+12 Unident
- Giga Dagger.[A].XG+11 Matk10
- Giga Dagger.XG+11 unident
- Giga Dagger[A].XG+10 Matk10 atk5
- Giga Dagger[A].XG+10 Crti6 atk15
- Giga Dagger.XG+10 Matk10 Atk15 crit4 aspd4
- Giga Dagger.XG+10 Unident
- Spike Dagger.XG+12 Matk25 crit4
- Jester Fire Ball.XG+12 Crit4
- Jester Fire Ball.XG+12 Matk25 atk5 crit2 acc6 Hp1%
- Jester Fire Ball.XG+12 Matk25
- Jester Fire Ball.XG+12 Matk25 aspd3
- Jester Fire Ball.XG+11 opt crit 4 atk25 dll'
- Jester Fire Ball.XG+10 Aspd15
- Jester Fire Ball.XG+9 unident
- Acient Knife.XG+12 Atk10 Matk20
- Acient Knife.XG+11 Atk10 aspd2 acc4 crit2
- Serpenbalde.XG+12
- Serpenblade.XG+11
- Serpenblade.XG+10
- Great Giga Sword.XG+11 Atk15 acc4
- Great Giga Sword.XG+10 (opt rame)
- Giga Blade.XG+12 opt Hp4% dll.
- Giga Blade.XG+11 opt Hp4% dll.
- Lucky Dagger.[A]XG+12 Aspd10 crit4
- Kid Pistol.(L).(R).XG+12
- Kid Pistol.(L).XG+12.(R).XG+10
- Dual Sai.(L)n(R).XG+12 atk8
- Dual Sai.(L)n(R).XG+11 atk8
- Passion Tamborine.XG+12
- Passion Tamborine.XG+11
- Passion Tamborine.DG+0
- Sword of Holy Knight.XG+12 atk25
- Falcon Dagger[A].XG+12 aspd10
- Hunting Knife.XG+12 matk25
==================P E T =========================
==================P E T =========================
J>Fly Blue Phoenix+9 Matk20
J>Fly Blue Phoenix+5 DDH3% DDT1%
J>Fly Blue Phoenix+9 DDT4%
J>Fly Blue Phoenix+2 DDH2%
J>Fly Green Wings+9 DDH4%
J>Fly Green Wings+9 Unident
J>Fly Green Wings+9 DDH2%
J>Fly Green Wings+9 polos
J>Fly Phoenix+9 unident
J>Fly Phoenix+9 DDT4% Matk10
J>Fly Phoenix+9 MAtk5 Aspd6
J>Fly Phoenix+9 DDT2%
J>Fly Phoenix+9 Crit2
J>Fly Phoenix+9 Polos
J>Fly Dragon+9 DDT2%
J>Fly Dragon+9 DDT2 dan rame lagi
J>Fly Dragon+9 DDT2% atk5
J>Fly Dragon+9 Atk5 Hp4%
J>Fly Dragon+9 DDH1%
J>Fly Red Valkyrie+9 Atk10 matk10 def 10 aspd6 crit2 Hp4%
J>Fly Valkryrie+9 Atk1- matk10 Hp4%
J>Fly Queen+9 DDH2% Aspd6
J>Fly Queen+9 DDH2% Atk5 Def5 Aspd3
J>Fly Queen+9 DDH2% MAtk10 Atk5
J>Fly Queen+9 Unident
J>FLy Queen+9 Unident
J>FLy Queen+9 Unident
J>Phoenix+9 DDT2%
J>Phoenix+9 DDT1%
=============A C C E S S O R I E S====================
J>Elf Glove.XG+12 matk5 (open Price)
J>Birght Hat.XG+12 Hp4%
J>Bright Hat.XG+12 unident
J>Wooden Wing.XG+12 Unident
J>Wooden Wing.XG+12 Hp5%
J>Wooden Wing.XG+12 Hp4%
J>Wooden Wing.XG+12 Hp1%
J>Wooden Wing.XG+11 Unident
J>Wooden Wing.XG+10 Unident
J>Dark Wooden Wing.XG+12(unident)
J>Dark Wooden Wing.XG+12 Eva5
J>Dark Wooden Wing.XG+11 (polos)
J>Wing of Bird.XG+12 Hp5%
J>Wing Of Bird.XG+12 atk2 kec.gerak2
J>Wings of Rymos.XG+12 (mpw) unident
J>Wings of Rymos.XG+10 (mpw) Eva4 Ap1%
J>Wings of Rymos.XG+10 (mpw) def1
J>Wings of Rymos.XG+10 (mpw) Unident
J>Wings of Rymos.XG+9 (mpw) atk2
J>Wings of Rymos.XG+9 (mpw) def3
J>Wings of Rymos.XG+9 (mpw) unident
J>Forest Cristal.XG+12
J>Forest Cristal.XG+11
J>Forest Cristal.XG+10
J>Forest Cristal.XG+9
J>Forest Cristal+12
J>Forest Cristal.+11
J>Scream Neaclake.XG+12 Matk4
J>Scream Neaclake.XG+12 Atk5 Matk5 Aspd5
J>Scream Neaclakae.XG+12 Hp5%
J>Swimming Eyes's Googles.XG+12 Unident
J>Swimming Eye's Googles.XG+11 Matk4
J>Swimming Eye's Googles.XG+11 Hp2%
J>Swimming Eye's Googles.XG+10 matk1 Hp2%
J>Swimming Eye's Googles.XG+10 Def1 atk2
J>Wings Of Bird.XG+10.XG+10
J>Snorkle.XG+12 Crit1 Hp2%
J>Snorkle.XG+10 matk1 Hp2%
J>Snorkle.XG+10 Crit1 def2
J>Snorkle.XG+10 Hp2%
J>Yellow Ribon.XG+12 Hp2%
J>Yellow Ribbon.XG+11 matk2
J>Yellow Ribbon.XG+10 Hp2% atk1
J>Yellow Ribbon.XG+9 Unident
J>BGM.XG+12 Def10 Aspd10 Hp4%
J>Angel Ring.XG+12
J>Cleric Piya hat+12 Hp2%
J>Queen Bee Wing+12
J>Pirate's Eye Patch.XG+12Matk4
- Goergeous (T)n(B).XG+10
- Gorgeous(T)n(B).XG+9 beropt
- Wanderer Shoes.XG+12 aspd10
- Wanderer Shoes.XG+11 aspd10
- Wanderer Shoes.XG+10 aspd10
- Wanderer Shoes.XG+9 aspd10
- Maid[B].XG+9 aspd4
- Maid[B].XG+10 Aspd4 Hp2%
- Suit of Seduction(T).XG+9 aspd10
- Falcon Dagger.[A].XG+7 polos
- Falcon Dagger.[A].XG+9
- Suit of Seduction[T].XG+12 aspd10
- Suit of Seduction[B].XG+12 aspd10
- Suit of Art[T].XG+12 aspd10
- Suit of Art[B].XG+12 aspd10
Jual Ransum+Sambitan Laknad :D Tipe:(Rupiah only.)
- Honey Cookies
- Box Chocolate
- Dark Chocolate
- Love Lolipop
- Red Lolipop
- Blue Lolipop
- Steamed Fancy Carp
- Soup Carp
- Gold Pastry Carp
- Kolak
- Korma
- Cool Water Kimche
- Max Amphora
- Bear Galls
- Silk Carp
- Carp
- Gold Carp
- Rose
- Piya-Gra
- Water Melon
- Banana
- Grape
- Strawberry
- Luxury Baby Food
- Royal Baby Formula
- Fast Growing
- Dynamite
- Dll.
*Purezpandu Barbarian 226-------2jt
*Phiethagoras Trickster 245-------5jt (ID lama)
*Cheetos-C Trickster 251------------6.jt (ID lama)
*Dewns-C Trickster 251--------------3jt(Sold out)by Leonin 1st
*Paparuby-B Trickster 251---------3,5jt(sold out)by kennjr
*Papalove Priest 213-----------------1jt(sold out) by kennjr
*Junkz-C Tricks 204------------------500K(sold out) by Collboy96
*Secretz-B Trickster 208-------------500K(sold out)
*Nverz Paladin 204-------------------500K(sold out)
*St4yco0l Trickster 219---------------1,5jt(sold out) by Driz3l/Maher
*) Priest=.Wooden Wing+7 unident
=.Clothes of Love(B).G+7 dep 15 aspd 4 hp1% ap 2% .
=.Clothes of Love(T).G+7 dep 10 .
=.Shoes of Love.G+7 aspd 2 .
=.Brick Hat+9 polos
=Martyr's Mace+9 Matk10
- GD.XG+10 atk5 Matk10 A2 crit4 xxxk
- GD.A.XG+10 Matk0.A4 xxxk
- Snorkle.XG+10 Aspd2 xxxk
- Geo TnB XG+7 Aspd4 xxxk
- MD.A.XG+9 Matk10 Aspd6 xxxk
- Wooden wings+8 Hp1% xxxk
- Phoenix+9 DDH2% xxxk
- Georgeus(TnB).XG+9 opt rame xxxK
- Shoes of Wanderer.XG+9 Aspd10 xxxK
(new) Suit of Luck SET XG+10 IDR XXX (nego halus)**
- -Hat of Luck.XG+10 aspd4 def 5
- Suit of Luck(T).XG+10 aspd4 hp2%
- Suit of Luck(B).XG+10 aspd4 def5
- Shoes of Luck.XG+10 aspd6
- Mc 's hat.XG+10 Def 10 Aspd 4 Eva 2 Hp-1%
- Mc's Clothes (T).XG+10 Def 10 Aspd 4 Ap -1%
- Mc's Clothes (B).XG+10 Def 10 Aspd 6 Eva 3 Hp 3%
- Mc's Shoes.XG+9 Def 10 Aspd 8 Eva 3
(new) Gold Saint.XG+10 set IDR (Jt.) nego halus***
- Helmet of Gold Saint.XG+10 (opt kabur"an)
- Gold Saint (T).XG+10 (opt kabur"an)
- Gold Saint (B).XG+10 (opt kabur"an)
- Gold Saint (S).XG+10 (opt kabur"an)
- Gold Saint Shield .XG+10 (opt kabur"an)
- Gold Saint Sword.XG[A].XG+10 Atk10
=Fly Phoenix+9 Damage dihasilkan 2% Aspd3
=Fly Phoenix+9 Damage diterima 2% ap-1
=Fly Phoenix+9 Matk10 Damage diterima 4%
=Fly Phoenix+9 Atk5, Aspd6, Crit2, Damage diterima 3%
=Fly Queen+9 Matk10,Atk5,DDH2%=Fly Phoenix+9 Matk10 Damage diterima 4%
=Fly Phoenix+9 Atk5, Aspd6, Crit2, Damage diterima 3%
=Fly Valkyrie+9 unident
=Eagle+9 siap evo unident
=Eagle+9 siap evo unident
=Eagle+9 siap evo unident
=Eagle+9 siap evo unident
=Eagle+9 siap evo unident
=Eagle+9 siap evo unident
=Eagle+9 siap evo Crit 4
=Eagle+9 siap evo unident
=Salamander+9 Damage dihasilkan 1%
=Salamander+9 siap evo polos 300K
=Black Salamander+9 siap evo unident
=Readhead Lady+9
EQ polosan/ Gaya
- Japan Elim (HTBS)+0
- Japan Elim (TBS)+8
- Japan Elim(TBS)+9
- Japan Lime(HTBS)+0
- Japan Lime(TBS)+8
- Japan Elim(TBS)+9
- Doll Costume(TBS)+8
- Doll Costume(TBS)+0
- Wedding Set(HTBS).XG+0
- Taiwan Wedding+9
- Taiwan wedding+0
- Korean Wedding+9
- Korean Wedding+9
- White Maid Costume(HTBS)+0
- Pink Maid (HTBS).XG+12
- Couple Costume(HTBS)+12
- [Atk] Star of Hope+0
- Pagan Wing+10
- Pagan Wing.XG+9
- Pagan wing+9
- Pagan Wing+0
- Anjing Gigit Pantat+0
- Anjing Gigit Pantat+12
- Anjing Gigit Pantat.G+9
- Anjing Gigit Pantat.G+10
- Ghost Costume(TBS)+10
- Gosht Costume(TBS) +12
- Ghost Costume(HTBS)+0
- Wawa Box's+12
- Keyborad+12
- Keyboard+9
- Cat Ear(tiger)+9
- Cat Claw+12
- Cat Claw (tiger)+9
- laurel Wreath+12
- Laurel Wreath+9
- Boquet+12
- Elf Ear+12
- Elf Ear+10
- Pagan.XG+12
- DWW+0
- WW.G+0
- BH.XG+0
- Skullo Costume+12
- Bah Bah Stick+12
- Magic Hat+9
- Moon Ornament+11
- Globe Magic Staff+12
- Organic Carrot.XG+12
- dll.
=REFINE MANUAL G5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15 &spec
=REFINE MANUAL [A]&[C]5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14
***Untuk Refine Manual(G)/[A]dan[C] bahan dari anda atau kamu bisa di negosiasikan*
***Harga bisa di Bicarakan melalui Wisper/SMS.
JUAL macam" permata
Kristal (stock ready)
1 ivent = 30ribu
1 bank = 50 ribu
1 id = 100 ribu
3 id = 250 ribu
Ruby (stock ready)
1 ivent = 30 ribu
1 bank = 50 ribu
1 id = 100 ribu
3 id = 250ribu
Diamond (Pesan)
@ item = 4 ribu
1 ivent = 80 ribu
1 bank = 150 ribu
1 id = 400 ribu
Wrs (pesan)
1 ivent = 150 ribu
1 bank = 300 ribu
1 id = 700 ribu
Brs (pesan)
1 ivent = 300 ribu
1 bank = 500 ribu
1 id = 1,2 jt
Grs (stock unlimited)
@biji = 20 ribu
Rune Stone (pesan)
@item = 10 ribu
Natural Stone (pesan)
@item = 10 ribu
Element (stock ready)
(mam pet nikmatnya setara senjata job lanjutan)
1 ivent = 100 ribu
1 bank = 100 ribu
1 id = 200 ribu
2 id = 300 ribu
3 id = 500 ribu
Katalis 101 (stock ready)
1 ivent = 30 ribu
1 bank = 50 ribu
1 id = 100 ribu
2 id = 150 ribu
3 id = 200 ribu
katalis1 128 (stock ready)
@2 item = 15 ribu
1 ivent = 270 ribu
1 bank = 500 ribu
Jasa Alcanez (siapkan bahan, bhn tidak kembali)
( Lvl-ing ala Alcanez)
lvl 1 - 100 = 50 ribu
lvl 1 - 150 = 75 ribu
lvl 1 - 180 = 100 ribu
lvl 1 - 200 = 200 ribu
lvl 1 - 210 = 300 ribu
(new) item raid Gnome (A)
J>Wooden Wing.XG+7 unident
J> Wooden Wing+0 unident 100KJ>Wooden Wing+0 unident
J>Wooden Wing+8unident
J>Rose item,merah,biru,kuning,ungu +0
J>Underwater(H) unident
J>Luck Suit(B) unident
J>Luck Suit(B) unident
J>Holistic of Garment(B) unident
J>Redemtion(B) unident
J>Ony Layer(B) unident
J>Red Shadow(B) unident
J>Red Shadow(B) unident
J>Underwater(B) unident
J>Bomber Outfit's(B)
J>Frontier(B) unident
J>Underwater(S) unident
J>Manual G(spesial)
-Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu mengikuti perkembangan SEAL.
-Pemebelian Khusus Daerah Cikarang/Batam, Luar kota Bisa Menggunakan Via BCA a/n.Muhamad Jamaludin Pandu Utoyo no.Rek 8210.163.124(transaksi 100%aman) Via Mandiri a/n.Muhamad Jamaludin Pandu Utoyo 109.0012.62289.0,jika anda tidak percaya/serius lebih baik tidak melakukan negosiasi dikarenakan membuang-buang waktu saja baik untuk saya dan untuk anda.Love SEAL^^
kk purez bs tolong di screen shot yellow ribbon nya, trus di post disini...saya sangat berminat sekali...soal harga masi bs nego kan...trima kasih
BalasHapusok..nanti saya screenshoot ok^^
BalasHapusmilitianya bisa lebih murah gak kk?
BalasHapusada sisa militia.XG+8 aspd 4 350K minat ....sms ajh^^...tQ
BalasHapusYRny barter FD+9 atk15 dmg3%+FV+9 opt matk10 aspd6 dmg2%+SCN.XG+8 atk5 def-5 aspd2
aduuhh bukanya gag mau kasih...tp amunya jual ajh kk...^^ ..maaf yah.......kalo mau bayarin ajah ..thanks before!!
BalasHapusWOy kk ane Herowarriors yang sekarang OL <<<<<<<<<<<<<
BalasHapusGua mau tarik FValknya Ayo Chat di Seal !!